Reverse decoupage on a plate


Reverse decoupage - This is a paper application laid on a hard surface and coated with varnish and / or paint on top. Thanks to this technology, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. So, for example, if you have simple materials, you can create a collection of glass plates that can complement the sideboard or wall decoration. To make a reverse decoupage on a plate, you will need the most uncomplicated materials and tools:
-Glass plate;
- Paper napkins with drawings or rice paper;
-PVA glue;
-Acrylic paint (white, color);
-Brush (the brush must be synthetic, otherwise natural fibers will begin to fall out during operation);
-Dry sparkles;
-Sponge or sponge.

In our country, in industrial stores you can find napkins with drawings, they will be needed for crafts. Such napkins are imported from Germany, and rice paper can be used as an alternative. A method of processing rice paper identical to napkins. So, with your Hands, begin to break off the outline of the drawing, leaving an edge of 1-3 mm.

The napkin should be of the minimum thickness, so remove all excess layers. As a rule, such napkins are three-layer, so the two lower layers will have to be removed.

Lay out paper applications according to your design. The surface of the plate should not contain fingerprints, particles of glue and dirt. Wash it thoroughly and wipe with a rag towel before the procedure.

Napkins will be applied on the back of the plate, so the same thing must be done at the bottom of the plate with the wrong side.

Now start sticking pictures with PVA glue. If the glue is very thick, dilute it with water - this will not lose its adhesive properties. Do this carefully so that the wipes do not tear. If you wish, you can sprinkle with sparkles the places smeared with glue - this way the plate will look more beautiful.

Now dry the glue dry. Do not be alarmed if initially the wipes will have white opacities due to glue. After the final drying, the glue will become almost transparent.

Now sponge a thin layer of acrylic paint. The background of the plate should not be very bright, so dilute the color paint with white until the color becomes moderately light.

Now blow dry the hair dry. Do not try to watch your work and touch it with your fingers, otherwise the prints will remain on the paint.

One coat of paint is not enough, so apply a second. If this thickness does not suit you, you can safely apply the third and subsequent layers of other colors. The main thing is not to forget to dry each layer to dryness. If you plan to use the plate, apply a thin layer of acrylic varnish on top of the acrylic paint and dry it. Thus, the varnish will protect the plate from water.

The plate turned out to be very bright and funny, and most importantly - made by your hands! With a great desire, you can create a whole collection of such plates with various images.


Watch the video: Decoupage on glass plate - decoupage for beginners-reverse decoupage - Handmade gifts and decor (October 2024).