Donkey Nyasha


Where do socks go all the time? And here's where - a completely ordinary pair of socks turns into a cute soft toy! You can sew such a toy with your child, and older children can even cope on their own - there is nothing complicated about it. Everything is very easy and simple.
So, let's transgress - for our toy we need:
  • 1 pair of socks (socks can be taken both plain and with a pattern, in any case it turns out very beautifully).
  • cotton wool or any other filler.
  • thread with a needle.
  • scissors.
  • buttons for the eyes and nose of our toys.
  • lace to decorate a donkey (here you can connect imagination and use any other decor elements - for example, use a ribbon or a beautiful fabric, buttons, braid, etc.).

We cut out parts of the body of our donkey from socks, as shown in the photo. To make it clear, I numbered them:
1- torso
2- pens
3- ears
4- head

We arrange all parts of the donkey's body in their places so as not to get confused, and begin to stitch them in turn.
Now all our parts are ready to fill. We take the body and carefully, slowly, with small pieces of cotton wool we begin to fill it. To make it easier to fill in hard to reach places - you can use a pencil. After the donkey’s body is full of cotton, we thread the edge with a needle and thread and pull it together. The torso of our toy is ready. Then in the same way we fill the head, the edge of which is also threaded with a needle and thread, tightened and fixed. Now we stuff the handles with cotton, but ears do not need to be filled with cotton, they should be thin.

After we have formed all the parts of the body, carefully sew them into place. And now our donkey is ready, it remains only to decorate it. To start, let's take a look at the donkey's face. Buttons will serve us with eyes and a donkey nose. Of course, buttons can be taken in different colors (for example, for the eyes - blue, and for the nose black), it will even be more interesting. But I only had white, so to darken them a bit, I put a black dot in the center of each with a marker. Then with colored threads (black or red) we gently embroider a smile. Now we need to dress our donkey, for this we need lace. We take a strip of lace and thread it along the edge with a needle and thread, slightly tighten, forming the folds of the skirt. Sew a skirt to the body of the toy. To make the image of the donkey Nyasha more harmonious, I decided to make a bow out of the same lace and sewed it to one of the ears. Done!

Here's a cute toy made from socks. You can imagine how much joy and pride your child will have, because he sewed this toy with his mother! Donkey Nyasha will certainly delight your children !!!


Watch the video: The shepherd boy story by nyasha (October 2024).