Easter egg basket


Good afternoon. Everyone knows the tradition of giving eggs to each other on the holy Easter holiday. You can make a beautiful basket for eggs with your own hands and without spending a lot of money and effort on it. And how to make it, I'll show you now.
We will need:
- Bottle (plastic).
- Scissors.
- Fabric in two colors (brown, green).
- A needle.
- Threads in the color of the fabric.
- Stapler.
- Glue.
- Disposable tablecloth in red.
- Beads.
- Sisal.
Take a bottle and cut from it a blank for a future basket 7 centimeters high. Do not forget to leave blanks for handles, 1.5 cm wide, at the edges opposite each other. For convenience, you can mark the cut line marker.

Now we need fabric. You can take the material of absolutely any color, I took the brown. We cover the base for the basket inside and outside with a cloth. We do not touch the pens yet.

Again, take the brown material and cut off from it 2 strips 6 centimeters wide, 40 centimeters long. We fold each strip in width twice with the front side inward and sew. After a strip we turn out.

We put a strip on one blank for the handle, exposing the tip of the handle. We will get a kind of "accordion" of fabric.

With the second strip we do the same.

We fasten the handles with a stapler, sew 2 strips of fabric together and straighten the material evenly along the entire length of the handle.

Now take a disposable tablecloth in red. This tablecloth is thin and so that the canvas does not shine through, we cut a 2-centimeter wide strip from it, grease it with glue and roll it in half. Only after that we will cut flower petals from it. For each flower you need 5 petals.

On each petal we make a small incision. In the photo, I marked with a marker this incision. Glue the edges together. This way we add some volume to the petals.

Glue together the petals, giving the shape of a flower.

Glue a bead in the middle of the flower.

Cut the leaves from the green fabric and glue them to the flower. Immediately make the right number of colors, not forgetting that their number should not be even. I made 11 flowers and each of them has 2 or 3 leaves. It will be good if all the flowers are of different sizes.

Glue our flowers to the basket.

We put sisal inside the basket.

The basket is ready. On Easter, we will put colored eggs in it and you can go on a visit.



Watch the video: Fill Easter Baskets with Me! Aaryn Williams (October 2024).