TV stand made of PVC pipes


This TV stand is very easy to manufacture. This kind of stand can be assembled in a couple of hours, the size of almost any flat-screen TV. In this particular project, I will install a 32-inch flat-screen TV. The stand is high enough to make it convenient to watch TV from the bed. If you intend to repeat my design, keep in mind that large or heavy TVs may require larger pipes and wider long legs.

Stand Dimensions

This stand has a height of about 160 cm and holds a 32-inch flat-screen TV weighing about 14 kg. The legs are about 50 cm long and are 81 cm apart.
The pipes have a diameter of 1.5 inches and a wall thickness of 40.
Fittings: 4 pieces of T-shaped, 2 pieces - 90-degree elbows, 4 couplings for legs.
Pipe length: 2 - 20 cm, 2 - 30 cm, 2 - 71 cm, 4 - 73 cm.

All pipes were cut using special scissors for cutting PVC pipes, but if you don’t have one, you can cut it with a hand saw on wood or metal. Be careful not to split the pipes.

Stand assembly

As soon as all pipes are cut, we begin to collect:
Assembly can begin with legs. Gathering each side separately, and in the end to connect them. Or start from the top and complete the assembly of the legs of the stand.
After assembly, make sure that the stand stands on a level surface firmly and steadily, without unnecessary rolling and bending.
My structure is held tightly on the screws, to facilitate dismantling, but you can glue the parts into the whole structure for a long time. If you intend to use screws, it is recommended that you drill holes before drilling with screws.
A wooden board will hold the TV on a stand; this is a piece of 1/2 inch plywood. If necessary, cooling holes can be cut so that it is cooled by natural ventilation. In my case, I cut a groove for connecting wires.

Before attaching the board to the stand, drill all the holes for attaching to the stand, as well as the holes for attaching the TV itself.

Next, drill the mounting holes in the PVC pipes. Do it very carefully. And with even more accuracy, tighten the mounting bolts so that the pipes do not crack.

Once the stand is mounted, install the TV. That's all. Install the stand in a place convenient for you, connect the wires and use it for health. I personally made such a stand in order to watch TV from the bed, and since there is no wall next to the bed, there is nowhere to hang the TV, as soon as on my own stand. Of course there was an option to put the TV on a stand such as a bedside table, but this option is too cumbersome. Yes, and the bedside table is low, so this is not at all.
Original article in English


Watch the video: Pipe TV Stand (January 2025).