How to transfer a heating element from an old mirror to a new


In this review, the author shows in detail how to transfer a heating element from an old (or broken) mirror to a new one.

Also, this method can be used when installing the heating element on a mirror, which was originally without it.

The first step is to remove the mirror element. Using a thin screwdriver to do this is not easy (there is not enough width to unfasten the latches), so it is more convenient to use a plastic spatula.

Next, carefully disconnect the contacts so as not to tear off the terminals on the film heating. This is best done with a screwdriver or other improvised tool.

Recommended reading: do-it-yourself mirror heating for cars.

The main stages of work

Using a building hair dryer, slightly warm the body of the mirror element and carefully remove it with a plastic spatula.

Before separating the heating from the broken mirror, the author outlines it on paper to make a template for cutting out a new mirror.

If you use a ready-made mirror, cut to size, then skip this step.

To separate the mirror pieces from heating, we heat the surface with a hairdryer.

The heating itself is made of a fairly durable film, so it is difficult to damage it. But still, caution is required.

The author carefully removes small pieces of the mirror with a blade. And the remaining adhesive from the tape can be removed with any suitable solvent - for example, the author uses solvent 646.

Installation of a heating element on a mirror

To fix the heating on a new mirror, we paste a thin double-sided tape on its surface (the exact same is used for gluing screens on smartphones).

Also, the heating can be fixed on a double-sided tape for fixing the carpet, however, it, unlike adhesive tape, is less durable.

At the next stage of work, glue the heating element directly to the mirror.

You can remove the double-sided tape inside the body of the mirror element with gasoline.

To facilitate the fit of a new mirror element into the case, the author heats the plastic with a building hairdryer.

We set the finished mirror back to the car, to its seat. To facilitate the fit, the latches can be heated with a hairdryer.

Details on how to transfer a heating element from an old mirror to a new one can be found in this video.


Watch the video: Auto Dimming Fit Over Car mirror installation. (October 2024).