Basketball backboard from a building corner and boards


So that a home-made basketball backboard could easily withstand even strong blows of the ball, and did not fall apart after a couple of days, you need to use durable materials for its manufacture: plywood or boards.

In this case, the author uses boards 25 mm thick and 150 mm wide. First of all, it will be necessary to prepare eight sections of the board 95 cm long.

The author fixes each board in a bench vise and then processes it using an electric planer.

After that, we put all the boards together to make a shield, and fix them with the help of two more boards, which the author screws on the screws. The front side of the shield must be treated with an electric planer.

The main stages of work

On one of the long sides of the shield, the author rounds off two corners, after which he processes the surface of the boards with a grinder.

Next, it will be necessary to cut four pieces of the corner 25 * 25 mm by 50 cm long, two pieces - 40 cm, and two pieces - 1 meter.

At the next stage, two identical parts will need to be welded from the cut corners.

And then they need to be connected together with the help of two more pieces of the corner 25 * 25 mm. The author cleans the welds with a grinder.

With the help of paint, we markup on a wooden board, after which we paint the metal frame by drilling holes in it. The author fastens the frame to the wall, and the shield attaches to it.

Details on how to make a basketball backboard with your own hands can be found in the video on the website.


Watch the video: Ana White- Rustic Basketball Hoop How-To (October 2024).