3 ways to make wood chips at home


Smoked fish requires wood chips. And you can prepare it yourself. In this case, the author uses alder, but you can take other types of wood.

The author offers three ways of harvesting wood chips for smoking fish. All of them are very simple and doable at home.

Using a drill

To make wood chips for smoking in the first way, the author uses a large-diameter spiral drill.

We take a log and begin to drill shallow deaf holes in it. It turns out good wood chips.

Using a planer

Another way to easily harvest wood chips is with an electric planer. For this, the author uses round blanks.

We set the circle in a vise, after which we begin to plan it with an electric planer. Then the chips will need to be "sieved" from sawdust. For this, the author uses a plastic box for fruits and vegetables.

With a knife

If suddenly there is neither an electric planer, nor a spiral drill, then you can use a knife and a hammer.

From a round billet with a knife, we break off the plates of the desired thickness, and then just break them into small pieces.

For details on how to prepare wood chips at home in three ways, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: Making Wood Chips (October 2024).