Simple fixture for precise hole drilling


With this simple home-made tool, you can accurately drill holes in wooden dowels for dowels. It is very fast and convenient. Homemade is useful to everyone who is engaged in the assembly of furniture and makes various wood products.

To make this device, you will need two metal tubes of the desired diameter (in this case, the author uses bushings with a diameter of 10 mm), a wooden block and a piece of plexiglass (plexiglass) 8 mm thick.

First of all, the master cuts a blank from plexiglass with dimensions of 90 * 56 mm. Then you will need to saw another wooden block 56 * 30 mm and a thickness of 18 mm.

The main stages of work

Next, it will be necessary to make markings and drill two holes for 10 mm diameter metal tubes in a wooden block. And for greater accuracy, it is better to drill on a drilling machine. Then saw off the block in size.

At the next stage of work, you need to grind two identical bushings from a metal tube with a grinder. Then they must be carefully pressed into the holes drilled in a wooden block with a hammer.

After that, it remains only to attach the wooden block to the plexiglass with the help of self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes for them and made indentations for the hats. Now the homemade product is ready for use.

For details on how to make a simple device for precise drilling of holes, see the video on the site.


Watch the video: Multiple Hole Drilling - Make A Fixture! (October 2024).