With this simple device you can cut off the desired length of masking or packaging tape with one movement of the hand. Convenient, fast and practical. To make such a mini-dispenser, you will need a small piece of tin, a “stub” of the old metal blade for a hacksaw, as well as a bolt with a nut and an elastic band.
If possible, it is better to use a plate made of tinplate of curved shape (in the form of a small semicircle). It can be cut out by a grinder from some kind of protective casing - for example, from the rotary channel selector used in old TVs, or you can find such cases in other devices and mechanisms.
If there is nothing suitable at hand, then a plate of tin or other metal can be easily arched using an ordinary hammer and pipe of suitable diameter. When the necessary materials are collected on the table, you can begin to work.
How to make a DIY mini dispenser
On one side of the plate you need to make a through slot. We process the inner edges with a conical grinding nozzle for a drill. We also make small cuts on the side, and then with the help of pliers it is necessary to bend the edges of the plate. Thus, stiffeners are obtained.
Glue the section from the saw blade for metal in the middle of the plate. Instead of glue, you can use cold welding - it will be more reliable. Next, with the help of a bolt with a nut and an elastic band, we fix a home-made dispenser on a tape roll. Here is such a useful homemade product in the end turned out. Useful in every home.