Do-it-yourself flexible collet grip


Sometimes in the process of car repair (or, for example, when replacing the battery), parts and hand tools accidentally fall into the engine compartment. To get them back without dismantling all the "insides" under the hood, a home-made flexible collet grip is useful. Due to its simple and convenient design, this device is useful not only in the car.

The main purpose of the collet tool (in common people it is also called the "grabber") is the capture of various small objects and parts in hard-to-reach places and moving them to the right place. Such a useful device can be bought in a store, but it is cheaper to make it yourself from improvised materials.

Collet gripper manufacturing process

For this homemade product you will need a factory 4-point grip on a flexible steel wire, and the rest of the components can be made by yourself. First, cut a piece of aluminum tube of suitable size (length and diameter) into which we insert the gripper.

On the back of the tube we cut the thread and wind the half of the clamp, in which you need to pre-drill a hole for the flexible rod. Then we put a spring and an extended nut on the wire, after which we fasten the second half of the clamp (it is also necessary to drill a hole in it).

Working with such a tool is very simple. We bring the "antennae" of the grip to the part or tool that you need to get out of the engine compartment or other hard-to-reach place, and then press the stop and pull everything up. See the video for a detailed process for making a flexible grip.
