Easy way to grout tiles


Do-it-yourself repairs cause a lot of problems. Some of them can and should be solved independently, including finding your own, original solutions. So, in the process of trial and error, I found a way to apply grout on the tile. I can’t safely say that such a simple idea (like everything close to ingenious) didn’t occur to anyone else, but for me it became unique, since I hadn’t seen it anywhere before.

So, how to wipe the tiles on the floor without dirt and endless mopping? The answer is simple - ordinary wide tape!
It is important not to be afraid that the adhesive tape will firmly stick to the tile or leave sticky traces - this will not happen. Masking tape is much less convenient - on it the grout dries instantly and when tearing off the tape, small crumbs of the grout pour out onto the floor. Have to vacuum or sweep. And since we strive to save ourselves from unnecessary work and the question of how to clean the tiles from grouting, it is better to take a simple adhesive tape.
Grouting process
Actually, there is nothing complicated. Tile grouting occurs in a standard way: the same consistency of the mortar, the same tools. The only difference is that wide adhesive tape tapes are glued along the very edge of the seams.
• It is most convenient to work with two or three tiles at once. Adhesive tape is glued along one line on both sides.

• When the surface is ready, use a spatula to apply the solution to the seam. Well squeeze the grout inward along the entire length. Then, with a strong movement, we draw the tool along the seam to remove excess, and the grout layer was uniform.

• It is not necessary to overwrite it for a very long time so that the grout does not have time to grasp properly. Of course, you should try not to swing the tool too much so that the dirt does not get beyond the edges of the "safety" adhesive tape.
• When everything is ready, gently peel off both strips of adhesive tape from the edges of the seam.

• As a result, we get an almost perfectly smooth and clean surface. It is enough to wipe random droplets with a damp sponge once.
Someone may say that sticking adhesive tape takes a lot of time, but personally, it’s much easier for me to spend a minute gluing adhesive tape than to wash the floor several times. Everyone decides for himself how to properly grout the tile, but in my case, this method greatly facilitated life. I hope this simple tip helps you too!


Watch the video: How To Grout Tile: Correct Technique Makes It Easy (October 2024).