

Good afternoon. Very soon the most beloved and romantic holiday will come among all the people in love. On this day, it is customary to give Valentines to everyone you love. I believe that such Valentines should be done with their own hands and give them from the heart. Now I want to share one of the options on how to make Valentine yourself. For this we need:
- Wire (which bends well).
- Nippers.
- Bottle or can cap.
- Red and green polyethylene.
- Scissors.
- Felt-tip pen.
- Glue.
- File.
- Scotch.
- Corrugated paper in green.
- Sisal is green.
- Cement or gypsum.
- Lighter.
- Beads of gold color.
Take the wire and bite off using a pair of wire cutters the desired length. We bend it in the form of a heart, twist the ends together.

Then we take the lid, fill it with a solution of gypsum or cement. In the center of the cover with the help of beads we fix the twisted ends of the wire. You can bend the ends slightly, so the wire will hold more securely in the lid. Frankly, initially I took a small cover and my heart did not want to stand upright. It fell all the time. I solved this problem quickly. I just took the lid of a larger diameter, put the craft there and again filled it with plaster. In general, why am I saying all this? The more heart you have, the larger the diameter the lid will need.

Set the heart aside until the solution solidifies. For now, you can take green polyethylene and cut strips 0.5 cm wide.

As soon as the solution hardens, take a sheet of paper, circle the heart from the outside. Why this is needed, I will tell a little later.

In the meantime, let's get into decorating the heart. Take the stripes that we have already cut in advance and wrap our heart.

Now we need a file and a heart, which we cut out of paper. We put the pattern on the file, circle the heart and cut it out. Better to circle with a felt-tip pen, then it will easily be erased. After we cut out the heart, it will be necessary to carefully glue the edges of the file with a thin tape. Only from above it is not necessary to fasten since then we will insert a photo into this file.

Now you can glue the heart from the file to the heart of the wire. Glue will help us with this. You just need to watch so that only one layer of the file sticks to the heart from above.

Leave the heart aside and make flowers from red polyethylene. First you need to cut the petals.

Now collect the flower. Take one petal, grease the bottom edge with glue and roll it into a tube. Then glue the second petal. The edges need to be slightly bent away from the previous petal. With the other petals we do exactly the same. One flower will need 8-9 leaves.

The flower is almost ready. Now we need a lighter, with the help of fire we will bend the leaves at the flower. Polyethylene is easy to melt, so you can’t bring the lighter close to the petals.

I advise you to immediately make as many flowers as you need, but most importantly an odd amount. I made eleven pieces.

Need to make leaves for flowers. Take green corrugated paper and cut leaves from it. On average, two, three for one flower. Then, in the middle of each leaf, we will make a deepening with the thumbs, slightly stretching, straightening the paper to the sides to give volume and shape.

The blanks are ready, you can stick everything. First, glue the leaves, and then glue the flower.

In this way we glue all the flowers.

When all the flowers and leaves are in place, take the beads and glue them in a chaotic manner.

Now you can do the decoration of the base of our crafts. Take the green sisal, tear it slightly and glue it. Everything, Valentine’s ready, it remains only to attach a photo of a loved one or a card with a declaration of love.

Do not forget that giving a Valentine card made by yourself, you also give a drop of your heat. Goodbye.


Watch the video: YK OSIRIS - "VALENTINE" (October 2024).