

Good afternoon. Today I want to offer you to make an ever-blooming cactus with your own hands from salt dough and improvised materials.
For this we need:
- Flour.
- Water.
- Salt.
- Dyes or gouache (brown, red, black, green).
- The potty.
- A glass of yogurt.
- Rolling pin.
- Tablet.
- Knife or stack.
- A brush.
- Toothpicks.
First you need to knead the dough. There are many recipes for salt dough, I took the simplest one. 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt (shallow) and ¾ cup cold water. Based on this calculation, knead the dough. It should be thick, like dumplings. Take the salt, fill it with water, add the dye of the desired color. Mix everything, add flour and knead the dough. You can add a little vegetable oil to the dough. I immediately knead the brown, red, green, black, white dough and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

After the dough is ready, take a brown dough and roll it out with a thickness of 0.5 centimeters.

Take a pot and wrap it with dough. From the top we bend inward. The bottom also needs to be wrapped with dough.

Now we take the dough of red color and roll it. Using a knife or stacks, cut 5 petals. It will be a flower. We take a brush, slightly moisten it with water, and grease one side of the petal, press it to the pot. With the rest of the leaves we do exactly the same. We roll a ball of white dough and press it to the middle of the flower.

Roll out two harnesses from green dough and make twigs for our flower.

Again we take the dough of green color, roll out and cut 4 leaves. We press them to the branches.

The pot is ready. Now let's take a cactus. Roll green dough and wrap a glass of yogurt with it. The principle of operation is the same as with a pot.

Now we need to make small protrusions, from which we will then "grow" needles. Making them is very simple. Use your fingers to pinch the dough from top to bottom. As a result, we should have a vertical relief. It is not necessary to make it straight, it can be slightly done in a spiral. We make protrusions through the same distance throughout the cactus.

We plant a cactus in a pot. My cactus fit perfectly into the pot. If your pot turned out to be much larger than a cactus, then just stick the dough that is left in it and boldly plant your plant in the pot.

Roll the flagellum out of black dough and close the distance between the cactus and the pot. Thus imitating the earth.

Take toothpicks and use a knife or scissors to cut each of them into small pieces. After that, paint the sticks in green. These will be cactus needles.

While we leave the toothpicks aside and make a flower. Roll out the dough in red. We cut 12 petals from it and glue them in three rows with water and a brush to the top of the cactus. First, glue 5 petals, 4 petals on top, and then 3 petals.

Now we roll out a bundle of white dough. With our fingers we make a strip of it and cut the fringe. We turn it into a tube and fasten it in the middle of the flower. At the same time, it should be slightly greased with water and slightly pressed into the middle of the flower.

As soon as the paint on the needles dries, we stick them into the reliefs we made.

The cactus is almost ready. Leave it to dry for 2 or 3 days, and then cover our craft with colorless varnish.

A self-made cactus will look beautiful on any windowsill. Goodbye.


Watch the video: Cactus - - - کاکتوس با همایون همایون (October 2024).